Definition Of Yoga

Yoga is usually defined as union: union between the limited self and the cosmic self. The aim of yoga is to make one realize his identity with the greater self. Yoga is called union because it is seen and defined in terms of everyday normal life, where each person feels separation from, or does not comprehend the possibility of a higher being. In other words, yoga is seen as union from the point of view of personal identity. At a higher level of consciousness there is no separation or any distinction between the so-called individual and consciousness. It is our low level of awareness that clouds the issue and prevents us realizing this identification. Yoga is usually understood as the method or path which one adopts to attain the realization of one’s true identity. Thus yoga has a double meaning; it encompasses both the method and the end point. The meaning of yoga can also be denoted by the words unity and oneness; for the practice of yoga aims at rooting out the ego, this being the aspect of our individuality that enhances the sense of separation from our surroundings. Once the ego is transcended, the individual becomes himself and realizes his real, inner nature. The main objective of yoga is to clear the patterning of consciousness and achieve pure soul awareness.
Another definition of yoga is coordination and harmony between mind and body, so that our body responds perfectly to our mental commands, conscious and subconscious. Yoga implies control over the conscious, unconscious and superconscious realms of our being. One becomes the observer of these different higher states attaining complete knowledge of them. Yoga can be defined as a science for developing creativity; as the science for unfolding the deeper aspects of the personality; as the science of being; as the science of consciousness.

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