Karma Yoga

Karma yoga is the yoga of action. It is the yoga of doing good actions without any expectation for any reward. Karma yoga helps to make the mind more calm and peaceful under any circumstances. karma yoga can lead to exactly the same experiences as other forms of yoga. karma yoga is an important technique for growth and progress along the spiritual path. It helps to bring peace and equanimity into ones life. It itself leads directly to higher awareness and knowledge, even though these experiences bear little relation to the actual work being carried out. It is the inner experience that is important and this is something that cannot be conveyed by words. The motto of karma yoga is to: give-give and give.

The mind has to be concentrated until it becomes a perfect instrument with an integrated single thought flow. This is the aim of karma yoga to channel our thoughts and actions so that the mind helps us instead of hindering us, so that the mind becomes one pointed and a perfect receiver and reflector of experience and higher awareness. Karma yoga as well as other forms of yoga develops willpower. It can be defined as the ability to motivate, mobilize and harmonize all ones activities for the attainment of a definite purpose. In karma yoga, the practitioner sets out to do his work and duties with as much attention and involvement as possible. Using ones inherent skills and abilities one attempts to achieve maximum efficiency. This total absorption in work at hand leads to great willpower and unleashing of the powers within the mind. The whole mind and body becomes integrated and tunes to a high degree of sensitivity and from this one can start to experience meditation. Karma yoga is a means to clean out the mind of problems, fears and all other disturbing facors. During karma yoga a person has to face all types of experiences whether good or bad. Don’t merely work but work with awareness and gain more from your work. This is the aim of karma yoga. Karma yoga is the method of harnessing the potential of the mind. Karma yoga is he method of unleashing it and using it. Nothing is developed, the potential is already there waiting to be discovered and used. The path of karma yoga accepts the material world around us. It accepts that we must function in the world, but its aim is to use the objects, thoughts and actions that now bind each individual, in a constructive manner to eventually transcend them, break the bondage and attain freedom and knowledge.

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