
Kundalini is the serpent like coiled power that lies dormant in the muladhara Chakra. The kundalini is the creator, sustainer and dissolver of all centers of being, including man.The kundalini both binds and liberates. Without the awakening of kundalini shakti one cannot achieve super consciousness. Kundalini, prana and the mind are interconnected. Kundalini shakti gets activated when one is free from passions and desires. Kundalini can be awakened by Pranayama, asanas, mudras, concentration, devotion, mantras. When kundalini is activated one experiences bliss, tremor in various parts of the body, shaking of the body, feeling drousy. As the kundalini arises from the muladhara chakra the mind transcends from layer to layer as it passess chakra after chakra. The fluctuations of the mind begins to settle. When kundalini reaches sahasrara chakra one achieves samadhi. The mind becomes one-pointed and one achieves bliss.

Kundalini Yoga is system of yoga concerned with the awakening of the pranic or psychic centers known as chakras, which exist within all of us. These chakras are centers of energy and are directly related to different levels of awareness. There are numerous chakras in the body but kundalini yoga concerns itself with six main ones which are located along the length of the spine. Kundalini yoga aims to awaken these chakras and thereby induce higher states of consciousness. By other forms of yoga one attains higher states of awareness, then the associated chakra will automatically open. Kundalini yoga does this from the opposite direction. It tries to first open the chakras to induce the associated levels of awareness. This form of yoga is also known as laya yoga.

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