Mandala And Yantra

Mandala is a magic circle, in which one performs tantric rites. Everything in the manifested world is in essence a mandala. It is a focus of cosmic powers. During worship and other tantric practices a mandala becomes the center of the universe in a symbolic sense. Each and every object is a focal point of consciousness. A tantric mandala is usually laid out according to a fixed plan; in fact the making of the mandala is a tantric rite in itself. There is not one thing that is not a mandala. Each individual is a mandala, each thought is a mandala, each deity, every chakra, each and everything.

A yantra is a specific form of mandala, which consists of geometrical shapes and figures, and sometimes diagrams of deities. This is also a deified form of an aspect of existence, though it is less obvious. A yantra is a particularly powerful form of mandala and deep concentration on it can lead to higher realization of its nature. The sanskrit word yantra is such a descriptive word and is perfectly apt for the name of this form of mandala. According to the dictionary, it means an instrument , a machine, an apparatus. And this exactly sums up the mystical diagram in all ways. It is indeed an implement, a machine; because it acts as an instrument for tuning in with consciousness, it is indeed a machine- a machine to induce states of meditation.

Tantra is the science of seeing, feeling, knowing the infinite in and through the finite. It leads one to the experience of the infinite through the limited world of form. And once the infinite has been seen in one object, it then a short step to seeing the infinite in everything. It teaches knowledge of the unlimited through the means of limited. Tantra is a means to know your divine nature and then the divine nature of everything. It is a method of using the material to tune in with the immaterial, of using the manifest to know the unmanifest. It is a compendium of many other systems, for it includes and emcompasses a wide selection of the different aspects of human life. It is concerned with the realms of the physical, psychic, mental and spiritual. It is concerned with work, play, devotion, thought and so many other parts of human affairs. Practical tantra is often summed up by three main aspects: tantra, mantra and mandala. Tantra aims to transform every action in life into a ritual.
The aim of tantra is to unleash the cosmic energy in man, so that he rises to higher levels of awareness. This is often done by self-identification with a particular deity, which represents or personifies a particular cosmic force. Such is the power of mental concentration. Perfect one-pointedness and merging of one’s mind flow towards the deity leads to transcendence, something that is totally beyond the devata itself. Tantra is a system which tries to make the individual more aware of every action and every thought. Every ritual requires attention, whether it is a set ceremonial ritual of worship, or an everyday chore or duty. Each ritual has to be done with attention. They cannot be done mechanically or unconciously. They have to be done with awareness, which eventually leads to meditation.

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