The science of Prana

Prana is the sum total of all the energy present in the universe including all physical and mental forces. Ether is also an expression of prana. The seat of prana is heart. Prana assumes five forms 1. Prana, 2. Apana, 3. Samana, 4. Udana 5. Vyana. The five pranas are responsible for creation and existence. The five pranas maintain the balance between the physical and mental levels.

Prana: Prana is the first of pancha pranas. It is the center of life energy. It maintains the heart, lungs, breathing, swallowing and circulation of blood. At the mind level, it is responsible for the intake of impressions and ideas. It is said to be red colored the color of ruby or coral.

Apana: It is the second prana. It regulate urinary, excretory and reproductive systems. Swadhisthana and mooladhara chakras are within the range of apana. It is said to be the color of indra-gopa, the color of an insect which is white or red in color.

Samana: It is the third prana. It is the balancer for the two opposite forces of prana and apana. It is responsible for regulating digestive system. Its color is in between of pure milk and crystal.

Udana: It is the fourth prana and operates at the extremities. It is responsible for all the sensory organs. It coordinates the movement of sensory organs. It is responsible for speech. Its color is pale white.

Vyana: It is the fifth prana. It helps all other pranas. It pervades the whole body and acts as energy reserve. Its color is that of a ray of light.

There are five sub pranas Naga, Kurma, Krikara, Devadatta and Dhananjaya.

Naga: It causes the activity of belching and hiccups.

Kurma: It causes the blinking of the eyes.

Krikara: It causes yawning, hunger and thirst and assists respiration.

Devadatta: It causes sneezing and aids in respiration.

Dhananjaya: It relates to the field of touch.

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