Steadiness In Asana

The word Asana literally means posture. Asana trains and cultivates the organs of action, senses of perception and the external mind and connects them to the internal organs, which are the inner mind, intelligence and consciousness. By this internalisation, the external senses stop interfering with the objects of this world and get involved with the internal senses to move closer to the seer or the atman. Asana should not distort the normal or original structure of the anatomical body. Each and every part of the joints and muscle must be kept in their natural shape and form. One must study the distortions that take place while performing the asanas and once correct them. In performing the asanas, some parts remain dull while the other parts remain contracted or distracted. Some parts are scattered without a sense of direction while others remain with a single-focused grip. Observing and feeling this single-focused grip, one must learn to adjust it on other parts of the body. Then the elements of the body are evenly balanced, making the practitioner experience the feel of ease in the asanas. In short, while practicing the asanas, if one part moves, the whole body must co-ordinate and move. Similarly, if the whole body moves, all parts must concur. If, while practising the asanas, the practitioner notices the dull, distracted or contracted parts of the body, one must rectify these dull, distracted or contracted parts. Then he can experience all the vestment of the self being properly balanced and in unison with the seer. When the single-focused stretch of the somatic body mingles with the association of the self evenly and equally with the conscious energy and intelligence, then it is possible to realise what is steadiness in each asana. At this state or stage, the practitioner experiences automatically the highest and noblest state of consciousness, which is nothing less than the niruddha state. When the prana and focussed awareness of consciousness flow uniformly and is unison in the presentation of each and every asana, it is called the niruddha state in the asana.

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