Ajna Chakra is situated at the space between the two eye-brows. Ajna literally means “command”. This is known as Trikuti. Its function is seeing, intuiting. It is also called third eye chakra.This Chakra corresponds to Tapo-Loka. The Ajna Chakra is the highest of the psychic centers in man. The presiding deity is Paramasiva (Shambhu) and the Goddess is Hakini. This is the seat of the mind. From the Ajna Chakra two nadis arise which appear like the petals of a lotus, the vibrations produced by these nadis are represented by sanskrit letters. Bindu, Nada and Sakti are present in this Chakra. This Chakra is considered to be the seat of intuition, where wisdom and knowledge unfold. This chakra is responsible for the “sixth sense”, or the ability to infer by way the of clairvoyance.The corresponding centre in the physical body is at the Cavernous Plexus. It relates to Clairvoyance, Sixth Sense, Imagination, Awareness. The colour is indigo. The planet is jupiter. Its stone is lolite. Ajna chakra is the point of confluence where the three main nadis or forces-ida, pingala and sushumna , merge into one stream of consciousness and flow up to sahasrara, the crown centre. Ajna is symbolized by a two-petalled lotus. One represents the moon or ida and the other the sun or pingala nadi. Within the lotus is a perfectly round circle which symbolizes shoonya, the void. Within the circle is an inverted triangle which represents shakti-creativity and manifestation. It has been called ‘the eye of intuition’, and it is the doorway through which the individual enters the astral and psychic dimension of consciousness. It is portrayed as a psychic eye located midway between the two physical eyes and it looks inward instead of outward. It is the channel through which the spiritual aspirant receives revelation and insight into the underlaying nature of existence. The mind perceives knowledge directly via a sixth or intuitive sense, which comes into operation as ajna chakra awakens. This is the center of extrasensory perception where various siddhis manifest according to one’s samskaras or mental tendencies. For this reason, ajna chakra is said to resemble a knot directly on top of the spinal cord. According to tantra, this knot is called rudra granthi. This knot is symbolic of the aspirants attachment to the newly developed siddhis which accompany the awakening of ajna. The knot effectively blocks spiritual evolution until attachment to psychic phenomena is overcome and the knot in consciousness is freed.
Physical Location in the body: Center of forehead between eye brows
Element: Space/light
Colour: Indigo
Sense: Intuition
Area of consciousness: Celestial body
Area of the body: Eye, head, sinuses, the senses
Governs: Intuition, Clairvoyance, Sixth Sense, Imagination, Awareness
Mudra: Hakini Mudra
Meditation on: “I see”. “I follow the path of truth”.
Relationship: Visual input from our two physical eyes and our “third eye”-the etheric organ of psychic perception
Physical organ association: Pineal gland
Other Names: Ajna (Sanskrit), Third Eye, Brow.
Hand Stand
Shoulder Stand
Yoga Mudra
Seated Wide Leg Fold
Standing Fold
Head to Knee
Downward Dog
Runners Lunge
Energies: Intuition, understanding, clairvoyance, sixth sense, search for the purpose in life, imagination, awareness.