Anahata Chakra is situated at the center of the chest. Anahata literally means “unstruck sound”. It is also called heart chakra. Its function is love, compassion and to integrate and balance the realms of spirit and mind with our physical body.This Chakra corresponds to Mahar Loka. It has control over the heart. This chakra is responsible for the integration of opposites in the psyche: male and female, mind and body, persona and shadow, ego and unity. This chakra is the centre of Vayu Mandal (region of air, Vayu Tattva). From the Anahata Chakra twelve nadis arise which appear like the petals of a lotus, the vibrations produced by these nadis are represented by sanskrit letters. The Bija(seed) of Vayu is here, the seed mantra is at the centre. The presiding deity is Isha (Rudra) and Devata is Kakini. It relates to our emotional thoughts, ideas and inspirations. This Chakra is of green colour. Its planet is venus. Its stones are green/pink stones- peridot, rose quartz, malachite. This chakra is a very delicate centre, for it is directly connected with that part of the brain which is responsible for all the creative sciences and fine arts such as painting, dance, music, poetry and so on. Vishnu granthi, the second psychic knot, is located at this heart center. It represents the bondage of emotional attachment, the tendency to live one’s life making decisions on the strength of the emotions and feelings, rather than in the light of spiritual quest. Vishnu granthi is united as the emotions harmonize and enhance, rather than oppose, the spiritual awakening. It is said that one who meditates on this chakra is pre-eminently wise and full of noble deeds. His senses are completely under control and his mind can be engrossed in intense concentration. His speech is inspiring. In anahata thoughts and desires of the individual are materialised and fulfilled.
Physical location in the body: Center of the chest
Element: Air
Colour: Green
Sense: Touch
Area of Consciousness: astral body
Areas of the body: Heart, lungs, shoulders, arms
Governs: love, compassion, forgiveness, trust, balance, peace and unconditional acceptance for others
Mudra: Lotus @ heart
Bandha: Maha
Meditation on: “I love”. “I open my heart to”.
Physical organ association: the heart, thymus gland, blood, circulatory system, immune system, and the endocrine system.
Relationship: to the heart – to love.
Other Names: Anahata (Sanskrit), heart.
Heart openers
Lateral bends
Crescent Warrior
Back bends
Downward Dog
Bow pose
Energies: Love, Compassion, Warmth, Forgiveness, Connection, Trust, Balance, Peace.