The Granthis

The Sanskrit word granthi means ‘knot’. In the context of the chakras, the word granthi is translated as ‘psychic knot’. There are three types of granthis they are the brahma, vishnu and rudra granthis. They represent levels of awareness where the power of maya, ignorance and attachment to the material things is especially strong. They have many meanings. Their implications are given below.

Brahma granthi: This psychic knot functions in the region of mooladhara chakra. It implies attachment to physical pleasures and material objects, and excessive selfishness. It also implies the ensnaring power of tamas-negativity, lethargy and ignorance.

Vishnu granthi: This psychic knot operates at the region of the anahata chakra. It is associated with attachment to things and people in an emotional sense. It is associated with attachment to inner psychic visions and so forth. It is connected with rajas, the tendency to passion and intense activities

Rudra granthi functions in the region of the ajna chakra. It is associated with attachment to psychic powers such as telepathy, clairaudience and other mind phenomena. This psychic knot implies attachment to individuality. One must leave the sense of individual ego and duality at the region of the rudra granthi.

All these psychic knots are obstacles or blocks on the route to sahasrara. They have to be progressively pierced or transcended in order for the kundalini power to rise through the chakras. Kundalini is called serpent power. The word kundalini is derived from two sanskrit words-kundala and kunda. Kundala which means coiled indicating that kundalini power is symbolized as a coiled snake residing in the muladhara chakra. Kunda which means pit, depression or deeper space, indicating that kundalini resides in a deeper place, the muladhara chakra. The opening of the chakras means that layer upon layer of the mind is opened up. The progressive awakening of the chakras is called raising of the kundalini. Kundalini power is also called primal power or the serpent power.

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