Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the spine. Muladhara literally means “foundation”. Its function is survival and grounding. It is the building block of all the other Chakras. This is called the Muladhara Chakra(Root chakra) as the other Chakras lie above this. This Chakra corresponds with Bhu Loka. Kundalini, which gives energy to all the Chakras, lies at this Chakra. From the Muladhara or root Chakra four important Nadis arise which appear as petals of a lotus, the vibrations that are produced by each Nadi are represented by Sanskrit letters. Here Kundalini energy lies dormant. Ganesa is the Devata of this Chakra and presiding deity is Dakini. We must balance this chakra before moving on to the others. It relates to our survival instincts, basic needs and to our sense of grounding and connection with our bodies and the physical plane. The colour is red. Its planets are Earth and Saturn. Its stones are Garnet, Ruby, Onyx, Obsydian. Muladhara chakra is traditionally represented by a lotus flower with four deep red petals. Here kundalini is lying in the womb of the unconscious, beyond time and space. Kundalini is coiled three and a half times, her lusture being that of lightning. Three represents the three gunas or qualities of nature in an individual. As long as the three gunas are operating, individuality is functioning within the confinement of ego. The half represents transcendence. When kundalini begins to manifest, it enters the dimensions of personality and individuality, and becomes subject to time and space. That is the awakening of the great serpent power within the individual form, frame and consciousness of man. In its awakened state kundalini shakti represents our spiritual potential, but in its dormant state it represents that instinctive level of life which supports our basic existence. Muladhara is the direct switch for awakening ajna chakra. Muladhara is the base from which the three main psychic channels or nadis emerge and flow up the spinal cord. It is said that ida, the mental force, emerges from the left of muladhara; pingala, the vital force, from the right; and sushumna, the spiritual force, from the center. According to tantra, this emanation point is highly volatile. When the positive and negative forces of ida and pingala are completely balanced, an awakening is sparked off here which awakens the dormant kundalini.
Physical location in the body: The perineum, at the base of the spine.
Element: Earth.
Colour: Red.
Sense: Smell.
Area of consciousness: Physical body.
Areas of the body: Bones; Feet; Legs; Elimination system; Immune system.
Governs: Willpower, perception of the world, motivation and intent.
Mudra: Earth.
Meditation on: “I am safe”.
Relationship: To the solid part of the body, especially the bones.
Importance: Location of the kundalini.
Attributes: Athletic, cares about survival, sensuality, power.
Other Names: Kundalini (Sanskrit), Root, base, muladhara.
Mountain pose
Seated Forward
Fold Staff pose
Cobblers pose
Boat pose
Hero pose
Chair pose
Sun Salutations
Child pose
Hindi Squat
Cow Face pose
Swan Pose
Energies: Basic needs, Fear, Insecurity, Survival, Animal Nature, Self preservation.