Svadhisthana Chakra is located at the sacral spine, below the navel. Svadhisthana literally means “ones own dwelling place”. Its function is desire, sensuality, procreation. It is also called water chakra or sacral chakra. It corresponds to Bhuvar Loka. The svadisthana Chakra has control over the lower abdomen, bladder, kidneys, etc., in the physical body. Within this Chakra there is a space like a crescent moon or the form of a conch or Kunda flower. The presiding deva is Brahma and Devata is Goddess Rakini. The Bija(seed) of deity Varuna is in this chakra, the seed mantra is at the centre. From the Svadhisthana Chakra six nadis arise which appear like the petals of a lotus, the vibrations produced by these nadis are represented by sanskrit letters. One who has conquered this chakra has perfect control over the water element. He gets many psychic powers, intuitional knowledge. It connects us to others through feeling, attraction, sensation, and movement. It relates to Desire, Creativity, Sensuality. The color of this Chakra is orange. Its celestial body is the moon. Its stones are coral and carnelian. It is depicted as a six-petalled vermilion or orange-red lotus. Svadhisthana is regarded as the substratum or the basis of individual human existence and it is the storehouse of mental impressions or samskaras. It is said that all the karmas, the past lives, the previous experiences, the greater dimensions of human personality that is unconscious, can be symbolized by svadhisthana chakra. Swadhisthana is often regarded as a hindrance in the sense that these karmas lying embedded in the unconscious do not allow the rising kundalini to pass through. After the initial awakening, kundalini returns to dormancy time and time again, solely due to the karmic block at the svadhisthana. These karmas are beyond the range of analysis. When kundalini is residing in svadhisthana chakra, the last vestige of karma is being thrown out and all the negative samskaras express themselves and are expelled.
Physical location in the body: The sacral spine, just below the navel
Element: Water
Colour: Orange
Sense: Touch
Area of consciousness: emotional
Areas of the body: bladder, kidneys, reproductive system.
Governs: sensuality, creativity, desire, feelings, attraction.
Mudra: Apana
Mantra: “I flow with the rhythm of life.”
Relationship: corresponds to the liquid part of the body – circulation system, urinary system eliminatory system and reproductive systems.
Physical organ association: spleen as well as the kidneys and bladder
Other Names:Svadhisthana (Sanskrit), sacral, water.
Wide leg forward folds
Scales pose
Reverse Table
Cat pose
Fish pose
Supine Cobblers pose
Short flows
Chair pose
Warrior II
Bow pose
Energies: Desire, Emotions, Attraction, Repulsion, Creativity, Sensuality, Greed.