The Vishuddha Chakra

Vishuddha Chakra is situated at the base of the throat. Vishuddha literally means “deep or extreme purification”. Its function is communication, creativity. It is also called throat chakra. It is called purification center. This Chakra corresponds to Janar Loka. It is the realm of consciousness where communication occurs, be it within ourselves or to and from another. It is associated with the Akasa Tattva (ether element). The Dharana(concentration) on the Tattva of this Chakra is called Akasa Dharana.The AkasaTattva(ether element) is of pure blue colour. The presiding deity is panchavaktra shiva (Isvara Linga), and the presiding Goddess is Shakini. From this centre arise 16 Yoga Nadis which appear like the petals of a lotus. The vibrations that are produced by the Nadis are represented by 16 Sanskrit vowels. The Akasa Mandal (the region of ether) is of the shape of the full moon. The Bija(seed) of Akasa Tattva(ether element) is in this centre which is of white colour, the seed mantra is at the centre. This chakra relates to Communication, Creativity, Speech, Sound, Self-expression.The colour is blue. Its planets are Mercury and Neptune. Its stones sre Sodalite, Blue Lace, Agate, Lapis Lazuli. It is depicted as a blue lotus of sixteen petals. Vishuddha represents a state of openness in which life is regarded as the provider of experiences that lead to greater understanding. One ceases to continually avoid the unpleasant aspects of life and seek the pleasant. The more abstract aspect of vishuddhi is the faculty of higher discrimination. Hence any communication receieved telepathically can be tested here for its correctness and accuracy. Similarly, vishuddha allows us to differentiate between realization coming into our consciousness from the higher levels of knowledge and the mere babbling of our unconscious mind and wishful thinking. Mooladhara is the first and vishuddha is the fifth level of vibration in the scale. They produce the basic sounds or vowels around which the music of the chakras is constructed. By meditation on vishuddha chakra, the mind becomes pure like the akasha. Vishuddha is the center responsible for receiving thought vibrations from other people’s minds. This actually occurs through minor center which is closely connected with vishuddha. The powers attained through awakening vishuddha include knowledge of scriptures and also the knowledge of past, present and future, one overcomes fear and attachment. One is then able to work freely in the world without being attached to the fruits of one’s actions.

Physical location in the body: Throat.
Element: Space.
Colour: Blue.
Sense: Sound.
Area of consciousness: etheric body.
Areas of the body: Throat, mouth, neck, shoulders.
Governs: communication, expression of thoughts and feelings, creativity, sound.
Mudra: Shunya(Heaven).
Meditation on: “I speak and follow my truth”.
Relationship: The throat area where sound is generated.
Physical organ association: Thyroid and parathyroid glands, lungs, vocal cords, and bronchial apparatus.
Other Names: vishuddha (Sanskrit), Throat.


Neck Postures
Shoulder Postures
Chest expansion
Forward bends
Yoga Mudra
Upward Plank
Back bends
Reverse Table
Shoulder Stand
Downward Dog

Energies: Communication, Creativity, Speech, Sound, Self-expression

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