Uddiyana Bandha

Uddiyana Bandha| Stomach Lock| Benefits| Contraindications| Common Mistakes
Popularly known by its English counterpart Stomach Lock, Uddiyana Bandha is the most recommended yoga practice for reversing the aging process and attaining a healthy glow on the skin. Etymologically the Sanskrit word ‘Uddiyana’ can be understood as ‘rise up’ or ‘fly’. The name is indicative of both the physical and pranic aspects of this Bandha. On the physical level while performing this bandha the diaphragms are sucked in while the abdominal muscles are pulled upwards. According to the yogic philosophy the practice of this bandha facilitates an upward movement of the Apana Vayu (it is associated with the downward flow of energy, the Mooladhara Chakra is identified as the seat of Apana Vayu), at the navel the Samana Vayu unites Apana Vayu with the Prana (neurobiological energy of the body which follows an upward movement according to the yogic philosophy). This union in turn invigorates the Kundalini and initiates its awakening. Despite its numerous benefits, which will be discussed in detail in this article, Uddiyana Bandha might lead to certain complexities if it is not practised under the guidance of an expert/ a guru. Therefore, it is often recommended to consult an experienced yoga guru before commencing the practice.
This article is a complete guide to Uddiyana Bandha, it succinctly mentions the steps to practice it and enumerates its benefits. It will also discuss in detail the common mistakes which several beginners as well as a few adepts make during the practice.
Variation 1:
This technique is practiced in a standing position.

  1. Stand straight with your legs apart, about half meter away from each other.
  2. Relax your entire body.
  3. Inhale slowly and deeply. Ensure that you are inhaling through your nostrils and not your mouth.
  4. Slowly bend down from your waist keeping your torso in a horizontal line. Gently bend your knees and place your palms slightly above knees.
    (Note: The bending of the knees ensures equal weight distribution and reduces the chances of falling forward during the practice.)
  5. Exhale slowly through your mouth. It is often instructed to exhale through the mouth as it helps in emptying the lungs as much as possible. This step combined with the second step initiates an automatic contraction of the abdominal muscles
  6. Practice external breath retention.
  7. Bring your chin close to your neck and practice Jalandhara Bandha.
  8. While retaining the breath outside continue sucking in your stomach. Ensure that no breath is drawn in during this process.
  9. Draw your stomach upwards towards your spine. At this point you can choose to straighten your legs as it will automatically draw you abdomen upwards towards your spine.
  10. Hold this position as long as it is comfortable without straining.
  11. Slowly lift your neck to release the Jalandhara Bandha, follow it by releasing the Uddiyana Bandha. Inhale slowly; do not rush during this step.
  12. You can remain in this position for some time while breathing normally or straighten your back and stay there till your heart beats and breath does not return to normal.
  13. Repeat these steps to practice Uddiyana Bandha again.

Variation 1:
This technique is practiced in a standing position.

  1. Stand straight with your legs apart, about half meter away from each other.
  2. Relax your entire body.
  3. Inhale slowly and deeply. Ensure that you are inhaling through your nostrils and not your mouth.
  4. Slowly bend down from your waist keeping your torso in a horizontal line. Gently bend your knees and place your palms slightly above knees.
    (Note: The bending of the knees ensures equal weight distribution and reduces the chances of falling forward during the practice.)
  5. Exhale slowly through your mouth. It is often instructed to exhale through the mouth as it helps in emptying the lungs as much as possible. This step combined with the second step initiates an automatic contraction of the abdominal muscles
  6. Practice external breath retention.
  7. Bring your chin close to your neck and practice Jalandhara Bandha.
  8. While retaining the breath outside continue sucking in your stomach. Ensure that no breath is drawn in during this process.
  9. Draw your stomach upwards towards your spine. At this point you can choose to straighten your legs as it will automatically draw you abdomen upwards towards your spine.
  10. Hold this position as long as it is comfortable without straining.
  11. Slowly lift your neck to release the Jalandhara Bandha, follow it by releasing the Uddiyana Bandha. Inhale slowly; do not rush during this step.
  12. You can remain in this position for some time while breathing normally or straighten your back and stay there till your heart beats and breath does not return to normal.
  13. Repeat these steps to practice Uddiyana Bandha again.

Variation 2
This technique of Uddiyana Bandha is practised in a seated posture.

  1. Sit down comfortably and assume a meditative posture preferably Siddha Asana or Padmasana.
  2. Maintain an erect spine and ensure that your knees touch the floor.
  3. Place your hands on your knees, close your eyes and relax your entire body.
  4. Inhale slowly but deeply.
  5. Exhale and empty your lungs as much as possible.
  6. Hold your breath out of your body.
  7. Slowly lean forward, straighten your hands and press your chin against your chest and perform Jalandhara Bandha.
  8. Draw your abdomen inward and upward.
  9. Retain the Bandha and the breath as long as possible.
  10. Slowly lift your head to release the Jalandhara Bandha, straighten your back, bend your elbows and relax your body. Release the Uddiyana Bandha and inhale softly.
  11. Wait till your breath cycle becomes normal.
  12. Repeat these steps to practice Uddiyana Bandha again.

Health Benefits

  1. Excellent for abdominal organs: Uddiyana Bandha gently massages all the internal organs and tones the abdomen as well.
  2. Helps to reduce respiratory disorders: This Bandha helps to strengthen the diaphragm and lungs which eliminates several respiratory disorders.
  3. It increases the functioning of the brain: since the breath is held out of the body for a certain period of time, its capacity to absorb oxygen is increased manifold which also increases its functioning.
  4. Exterminates stress and anxiety: The adrenal glands receive a nice squeeze during the bandha which helps in relaxing the body and releasing stress and anxiety.
  5. It improves the blood circulation: Since the heart is also squeezed during this practice it helps in improving the blood circulation.

Meditative Benefits

  1. Uddiyana Bandha is an excellent practice for stimulating the solar plexus, which helps in balanced distribution of energy throughout the body.
  2. It helps in creating awareness in The Manipura Chakra.


  1. Ensure that your stomach is empty and bowels have been eliminated prior to the practice.
  2. Do not practice this asana if you have undergone any abdominal surgery.
  3. Individuals diagnosed with ulcers in the stomach should avoid this asana.
  4. Pregnant women are also usually advised to avoid this practice as it creates undue pressure on the stomach.
  5. If you are suffering from any sort of Cardiac ailments then practice some less straining asanas and pranayamas.
  6. In case of Hernia too this practice should be avoided.
  7. Patients of high blood pressure, intracranial pressure and glaucoma should not practice this.

Common Mistakes

  1. Retaining breath for a long period:
    Do not retain the breath externally for a long period of time forcefully. Begin with retaining it for a few seconds. Then over the course of time you can increase the length of time.
  2. Inhaling without releasing the bandha: This practice should be done with caution otherwise may lead to dire repercussions. Always release the Bandhas prior to inhaling.
    Practice Note:
  3. Begin by practising the Bandha for 2-3 times, slowly increase it. Over the course of a few months you will be able to practice it for 10 times.
  4. This is an advanced level practice and therefore before attempting this bandha first Jalandhara and Moola Bandha should be perfected.
  5. Although several books on yoga advertise its magical hold over reversing the ageing process, one must always be aware of the natural processes of life. This bandha helps in rejuvenating the body and filling it with energy. However old age and death and natural processes. Therefore one should simply focus on leading a healthy life rather than uselessly aiming at conquering death.


  1. Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha by Swami Satyananda Swami
  2. Hatha Yoga Pradipika: Light on Hatha Yoga by Swami Muktibodhananda
  3. Asanas Mudras and Bandhas-Awakening Ecstatic Kundalini Yogini (from the AYP Awakening Series)
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